Impressive wrestler Jan Curtis now has two matches on You Tube.Yet another potentially top class wrestler who disappeared as quickly as he appeared
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The Hornets name was R L F C from the Rochdale team name the jackets were bespoke.I kind of understood Martin's comment,however Dane was doing early mornings in his business and Martin was enthusiastic and eager for success.The review of the bout was so full of insight ,four pros producing the goods.
On this same bill from Wolverhampton there was an excellent match between John Casanova and Tug Wilson.Walton describes Marty Jones as being "almost as good as Casanova" and yet Casanova just the same as Dane Curtis had just a few TV matches then disappeared
Well that is a pretty disappointing and ungenerous comment by Marty Jones. We are going back to 1972 and Marty had not developed into the wrestler we usually remember these days. Read our Heritage take on this match
In an online blog Marty Jones reminds us that Dan Curtis was his first TV tag partner and describes him as a "ploder"
That's right, Peter; two different wrestlers.
could Jan Curtis bean Dane Curtis from Rochdale way. I think he was on T.V. acouble of times at least.
Regards to all Ian P.
I remember talking to Jan at the reunion in 2015. He told me that four of his bouts were televised.