Following on from the Register of Imports: France we went on to list the Hungarian visitors to Britain. Here's the list so far, and I'll hand it back to John to maintain, mend and referee.
The Hungarian Imports 11/11/18
Andreas Svajic
Arpi Weber
Baron Von Heczy
Janos Toth
Josef Kovacs
Josef Molnar
Kalman Gaston
Lazlo Bajko
Peter Szakacs
Tibor Szakacs
Zoltan Boscik
Yes Lorant is my father and he said he only wrestled professional for about 4 years because when he got married his wife didn't like him doing all the travelling all the time up and down the country. He only went under the name Lorant Baranyi. It was quite a short career but he's got some great memories from his time in the ring