Whilst digging into the Wryton dynasty a local historian said I should document it,I replied limited appeal .I recall saying same thing to jack Atherton in the 70s after he was approached by a guy off the Lancashire Evening Post,coindently same guy from Blackburn did an in depth piece about les Keller,in this Les went into detail about showmanship in the game but the need for integrity. What a book that would make so many unanswered questions about Les ,the Edinburgh connection,the Salford connection,learning French. Nick McManus was approached to do his biography by an Evening Standard hack,it didn't happen because Mick wanted to protect the game,the same reasoning behind the seemingly awkward treatment of Old Jackie's this is your life ,wrongly believed to be jealousy by Mick and Dales wanting to prove no worker was bigger than the game.Had to be shown it was sport not showbiz.I look forward to reading about Gordienko but imust say not a fan of previous books about the
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Thanks for the insight Bkendo1. It's often repeated that the Pallo TIYL postponement was part of the Dale Martin jealousy. Question is, if it was kyboshed the first time, why was it allowed later?
William Abbey, aka Jack Dale.