Yes 2021 is going to get better; and here are the first signs.
London's Loveable Villain, the True Story of Cocky Chick Knight is almost ready to go and will be made available to members of Wrestling Heritage and the British Wrestlers Reunion website in advance of general publication.
Pre-ordering will be available from next Monday, with details of how to order your copy in this Sunday's newsletter.
London's Loveble Villain is expected to be available soon after 11th January, 2021.
The cost will be £12.00 plus £3.78 p&p for the paperback version, £6.00 for the Kindle version. Pre-launch copies will be limited to 100, so get ready for Monday.
Latest news from Andy Scott, author of Cocky Chick Knight - The True Story of London's Loveable Villain, available for Heritage and Reunion members from 11th January £12.00 plus £3.78 p&p for the paperback version, £6.00 for the Kindle version.
Andy Scott is meeting with a Hammersmith restaurant & bar owner in early January to finalise a drink being named in Chick’s honour! They have been very supportive of the petition campaign and are also located close to the Hammersmith incident of 1930 on the river so it’s very apt.
Talks are on-goings with the Gibraltar Heritage and Culture Minister, looking at ways to recognise Chick’s heroic feat in 1924.
The petition for a plaque to commemorate Chick's life saving achievements is now in excess of 400 signees, with several more current pro-Wrestlers and Boxers signing it.
Like Chick, this book is a heavyweight - 236 pages, 28 pages of images (many from the family archive) all on gloss finish, with the text pages on a nice, good quality paper stock.
London’s Loveable Villain will be available both as a paperback, and also as a Kindle version too. £12.00 plus £3.78 p&p for the paperback £6.00 for the Kindle version.
Orders taken now for Heritage members (Books posted soon after 11th Jan) Payment should be sent to Andy Scotts PayPal account, details are: info@andy-scott.net and any payments should be done via Friends & Family so that no one incurs any charges/fees.
State if you would like it signed, and who to if required. Please ensure that your full address details are also submitted with each pre-order.