After watching Professor Adiwasser on YouTube versus 'Tarzan' Johnny Wilson.He was the ultimate masked heel.Dearly wished I had seen him live.Which masked wrestler would other members liked to have seen live?
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Hi Ballymoss, not a bad pair to be going on with.
I regret seeing so few wrestlers after my time at St James' Hall.
Thanks Bernard I had to be content with Dr Death and the Zebra Kid.
Looks like Adi Wasser had inheried the original Dr Death's mask.
Hi Ballymoss. Just catching up on some old items and came across this thread.
If you had seen The Ghoul at Wimbledon it would not have been the Bomber Bates version.
So you still would not have seen, what people are calling, MY Ghoul.
Thanks Saxonwolf. Not sure how Aki Mojo got the gig, again pretty dreadful, Czeslaw carried the entire bout.
Poor Kent. Years ago, we heard his lines every couple of months. Now they just pile up on Youtube with Akimojo not speaking a word of English and nobody knows anything about him.
Well, well, Romeo - what a find. Thanks.
I guess it's mid-seventies, and seeing Crabtree, it just makes me suspect that it's not even the real Gaby Calderon. But we'd better give them the benefit of the doubt. I'm amazed nobody has commented on this bout before on here (or maybe I have missed it.)
Got to love Kent mentioning he's been on UK tv before but failing to mention that all previous outings were unmasked.
Having watched it to the end, it sure is the original: just as dour and stiff as when unmaked. The bonnet didn't liven him up and he didn't even create any controversy, Tarzan Johnny did all the work and sold the very unspecial speciality.
I wonder if they stuck him in at the last minute to replace a recently departed Exorcist?
Here's the link:
Did Professor Aki Mojo appear on UK tv?
I would have liked to have seen The Ghoul live but sadly it never happened. The closest I came was seeing his name on the bills advertising the Wimbledon Palais, and that was a very long time ago!!
Me too , I could try them all. I missed so many 1945 to 1970 anyone in a mask .
Ghoul would be first but Zebra , Black Mask , Mask , Dr Death , Asp.
We have been talking belts.........but
H Anglo.Just watched it again on YouTube.He's billed from Paris and dons the microphone before the start.Sixteen minutes long.Sorry can't give the link.
Hang about, Romeo. Professor Adi Wasser in a mask? Are you sure about that?
Black Mask has always fascinated me and I'd like to have seen him or Bernard's Ghoul and Les Diables Rouges. All of them, really ...
I'd like to have seen The Zebra Kid, Bernard's original Ghoul, Green Asp. Anyone really. I was always a sucker for a mask.
I didn't see Blue Mask, Black Angel,l Nagasaki ,Doctor Death or many others.
I guess that I was mainly between the times of all of these people that put the bonnet on
I seem to think I saw The Outlaw in Margate (or some other coastal/holiday resort) late 60's, but my memory could be wrong. If that is the case, and reading since what a good (real) wrestler Gordon Nelson was, I would have liked to have seen him.
Wow.A ten year unbeaten run. The Promoters must have really respected his talent and drawing power.Blue mask is going to be a popular choice.
Mine would have also been the Blue Mask, one of my grandads favourite wrestlers, along side that I am going to be greedy and go for Paul Lincoln's Doctor Death, we did get Dr Death up here but I would think it would have been Don Robinson or one of his roster.
Hi ROMEO-My Vote would go to BLUE MASK-The Undefeated Heavyweight-1935-1945!
He had a Huge Pair of Shoulders and Immense Strength-being a former Miner!
A frequent Visitor to NEW ST.JAMES HALL NEWCASTLE-Think BERNARD must have just
missed him!! He used to Don his Thick Woollen BLUE HOOD in the Gent's Toilet Cubicles of
the STRAWBERRY PUB next to the Stadium!-What a Sight he must have been pushing his way
thru the Thronging Crowds as he made his way into the HALL!-AWESOME!!