Talking Only Yesterday with PETER/KENDO NAGASAKI- I Told him My Special Favourite
Memories in The Wrestling were when 2 Career Masked Men Found Themselves in Opposite
Corners-in MASK versus MASK Contests!-Then One of Them Had to Go!!
I Asked PETER if KENDO NAGASAKI Had Ever Featured in Such a Match against The Original
ZEBRA KID!- I Didn't Know of Any Meetings between These Two at all!
To My Surprise he Replied That had been 'About 8 Such Bouts and at the End of All of Them
The ZEBRA KID's BLACK and WHITE Had to Come Off'!!
He Then Proceeded to Tell Us about his Recollections of GEORGE BOLLAS!!
The Above LEEDS Programme of This Match-Up by Courtesy of IAN PRINGLE from his
Wonderful Collection!!
Incidentally-I also Asked PETER if KENDO NAGASAKI Had Ever been in a MASK versus
MASK Contest against The Original OUTLAW- GORDON NELSON?
To This ?-He Replied 'No'-but Then went on to Provide Some 'Snippets' about The OUTLAW!
It Seems That The Promoters had Put The OUTLAW On T.V.- But weren't Too Pleased with the
'Lack of Impact' This MASKED Persona was having!-and Decided to 'Phase Out' The OUTLAW!
I Believe Our Own HACK Once Told Me That he Found The OUTLAW a Bit 'Tame'!!
The unmasked Bartelli with the Outlaw looks like an independent Outlaw, not Gordon Nelson.
But here they are working for Joint
I was still working at St James' at the time of the above bill but I have no recollection of it; surely such an event as unique (for wrestling at that time) as having two masked men on the same bill should have stuck in my memory? Even more so as I was very impressed with Kendo of that era as he seemed to be a genuine villain at a time when I was becoming rather jaded with the wrestling and there was little new emerging to re-ignite my interest.
Just over a year later I see that The Zebra Kid lost on disqualification to The Outlaw at St James', which marked the former's final appearance there, however I was long gone by then so I can't say whether he unmasked.
They had a chance to meet here but the promoter deemed otherwise.
Great stuff.
But it begs the question: WHY?
And WHO had the authority to deem Zebra Kid would be unmasked 8 times? But that The Outlaw and Nagasaki was to be avoided?
I differ from Hack in that my memories of The Outlaw were that he was formidable and exciting. There were no tv masked men at the time. Mind you, I was young and impressionable ...
I saw a result for them from 1968 in Nottingham, but that is the only one I could find, I think.
To me that is amazing , I would have bet that they never met. Great Discovery.