As Most of you know my 'Pet Love' within BRITISH Professional Wrestling is Career
MASKED Wrestlers!-Very Very few were good enough to enjoy Long Unbeaten Runs!
One such Who began Appearing in Our Rings in the Late 1930's was GREEN ASP!
An 'Odd' Choice for a MASKED Man's Ring Persona you might think-but the Athlete
Hidden under the COWL of the ASP was a Very Very Good Wrestler indeed!
GREEN ASP was around for at least 12 Years between 1938-1950!
To my own Knowledge his only Recorded Defeat was in JANUARY 1940 when he came
a cropper in a MASK vs. MASK Contest against my Top Favourite-pre BARTELLI-
BLUE MASK!!- However in those Days of little Communication-only Months later GREEN
ASP was back again in Shades of a Future Top Masked Man-ZEBRA KID-Who was
UNMASKED several Times in this Country-but still continued to Wear his ZEBRA STRIPED
MASK and No-One seemed to mind-in an apparent 'Flouting' of the Rule that when a
MASKED Wrestler was Beaten he had to Lose his HOOD Permanently!!
Below I Share some Rare Bills Featuring GREEN ASP Who was an Important Persona
In Wrestling Pantheon of Career MASKED MEN!!
Here he is as 'Team Captain'-Weighing 200 lbs?? in a Tournament at WINTER GARDENS
just Days before the Outbreak of WW2!!

Thanks Hack. Very interesting write-up
Here's your man Bernard
Thanks MM. I knew that i had posted that information on here.
Quite a few defeats for Green Asp over the years , but news never got around.
Lost to Doug Clark at Rotherham in 1939 but no unmasking.
Lost to Dark Owl In Gloucester in 1950
My memory is failing me. Didn't I find a result where the Green Asp lost and unmasked at Newcastle?
He had a foreign name. Hack help me please.
Next GREEN ASP-Now Billed from EGYPT!?!-Takes on JOE ARKON on
MONDAY OCTOBER 23RD 1939-less than a Month after the Start of WW2!
He Offers £ 25.00 to Any Wrestler Who can 'Pin' him!