Yes Bernard. It makes me wonder in wrestling terms why Gilmour & Kaye didn't call themselves the Baronets. Probably just copying the tv series The Baron of that time. It seems baronet is a current and widespread title; baron is defunct in terms of titles; yet baron seems somehow to be in more frequent currency, probably due to (untitled) oil barons, press barons ... and Gilmour & Kaye.
So that's at least three correct answers (except for MM mind readers). We didn't realise these Pope folks were such fans. It's enough to turn a Rev Michael Brooks Catholic.
M'lud MM. I speak on behalf of my client golledges. No lesser authorities than Messrs Google and Chat name Mr Sammartino as their first choice in Papal audiences, citing a meeting in 1966.
Well Members-The RIOTS are 'Pushing' for the Answer-so here it is:-
Look at My FAB Original Programme for 1956!!
Many Thanx to All Who looked at This Thread!
Hi Anglo, Is the Bt that you mentioned , short for Baronet?
It must be Atholl Oakeley Bt.
I wondered what the Bt meant but now realise it was Baptised.
See I knew Sammartino was a correct answer but thought MM was referring to a European wrestler. Glad this has played out as expected :P
"At That Time"
That's an important phrase our friend.
Just get on with it and tell us the answer.
I do have Evidence Reference-which States At That Time-he was the Only Wrestler
to have had a Papal Audience!
So that's at least three correct answers (except for MM mind readers). We didn't realise these Pope folks were such fans. It's enough to turn a Rev Michael Brooks Catholic.
Over Ruled Counsel!-The Meeting to which I Refer Occurred More Than a Decade
Before SAMMARTINO!-It seems it was a 'Privileged' Audience!
Head Judge MM
Neither the Wrestler I'm Looking for!
M'lud MM. I speak on behalf of my client golledges. No lesser authorities than Messrs Google and Chat name Mr Sammartino as their first choice in Papal audiences, citing a meeting in 1966.
Neither the Wrestler I'm Looking for!
Another Clue:- His Career went into a 3RD Decade!!
Bruce Sammartino?
zando zabu ?