1972 and a good night out in Belle Vue, though I don't think many of us would be holding out much hope for Barry Douglas. The preview box on the Belle Vue programmes was a nice touch, but what was the point of repeating that night's matches?
Arras and Foley is a peculiar tag pairing. Surely a one-off, or does anyone know of them working together on other shows. Match ended with Foley attempting to murder Arras.
I've just noticed that our Barnskey American is billed from Sweden to fit the continental codology. Reminds me that once in Blackpool, working for Dominic Pye it was Scots Week (it always seemed to be Scots Week). Anyway it was Scotland v The Pyes. You've guessed it.... Dwight J Ingleburgh from Glasgow.
You're right James. I fessed up too quickly. This show was for the night before, unknown venue.
Read on, we have a result on Leni Robaire.
So, what I'm going to tell you will apply to both this show on 10th and the one Ron has posted for 11th.
Sam Betts (Dwight) says that it was a Mickey Kiley show and he would pay for a car load of wrestlers to go down and work for him for the week.
Leni Robaire was a Barnsley wrestler as suspected. He is in the A-Z, but we had not made the connection. He is in the A-Z under his more usual wrestling name, Ron Hinchcliffe, who was actually Ron Priestley. The name was invented by Brian Glover and used in the early part of Ron's career.
Sam couldn't remember working with any regular Black Masks or Golden Terrors so assumes they were a couple of ad hoc masked men for the night. As for Jacques Pierlot he didn't remember ever coming across him, certainly not Henri's brother.
Thanks Hack but what I meant is that it was the same bill (consecutive nights) as the one on the 10th presumably somewhere else in the West Country. I see the Terror had fought our Shirl.
"Who was Henri Pierlot's younger brother - or was it Les working overtime? What about the exotic sounding Leni Robaire and who was the Golden Terror? Let alone this version of Black Mask and Gipsy Pedro. "
1. Pierlot's brother was anyone but Pierlot's brother.
2. Robaire was probably from Barnsley (I keep trying an anagram of his name - the opposition liked that)
3. Gipsy Pedro was almost certainly Pedro the Gypsy considering the number of other Barnsley wrestlers on the bill.
4. Golden Terror and Black Mask a couple of guys in masks.
And where has James seen it before?
On here last night when we got confused over the day (this lockdown's going on a long time).
Nikki Kaditch indeed, in the days when a Nikki was a non-female. English spelling of the surname. Very odd. No point asking Bob Kirkwood, he can't remember most of his opponents!
Any other sightings of Nikki? Please tell us the town he's billed from, just too blurred. I thought all DM wrestlers were well documented but you've winkled out a mystery here.
Maybe cynically, I can see Mick saying "If they've got a championship bout, they'll come. We can save on the other bouts without putting anyone too expensive. Nice little earner. PS extra dosh for the two in main bout."
Ray Glendenning v Lee Bronson at top of the bill. Was Ray that good?
Regarding the Belle Vue bill, you are quite correct. Nagasaki beat Douglas with two straight rack submissions to nil and gave his opponent very little. This was the time when I was attending Belle Vue regularly and I recall the battle between Count Bartelli and Gwynn Davies the following week. It was a "clean" contest and a young lad, showing off to his girlfriend and seated near the ring, saw his opportunity to be witty as Bartelli trapped Davies in a backhammer and yelled out, "Stick your finger up his bum," a comment which his girlfriend found hilarious. Not so the two wrestlers who stopped the fight, leant over the ropes and asked us to identify the wit. Both men rounded on him as he and his girlfriend turned bright red. When Davies and Bartelli turned their attention back to the bout, the loving couple quickly made their excuses and left the King's Hall never to be seen again.
@adrianpollard.shangri-la Although this incident occurred 49 years ago, reminiscing on this site meant that I actually had a dream about this couple last night. In my dream the gentleman concerned invited the lady back to his place, a modest house in Levenshulme with a narrow ginnel at the side. He tried to enter the house via the front door but his key was sticking in the lock and wouldn't turn. After trying for several minutes, he gave it up as a bad job and took her up the back passage.
£100 side stake seems unlikely
Arras and Foley is a peculiar tag pairing. Surely a one-off, or does anyone know of them working together on other shows. Match ended with Foley attempting to murder Arras.
Unusual poster in Paul Lincoln style:
That's unusual Les got disqualified before Jim Hussey.
In my day it was Les disqualifying Jim.
Wrestling overseas today, Barry Douglas defeated Youseff Tannous in Bremen, Germany, on this day in 1976.
On our TV screens, on this day in 1970:-
Les Kellett (DQ) v Jim Hussey
Alan Sargeant (1) v Al Nicol (0)
For a Change-One of My 1980's Large Mini Posters for The CORN EXCHANGE in
TONY ST. CLAIR Topping The Bill!-A Clash of Champions!-This Bout happened
Frequently!! This is The Day MAL SANDERS Lost his EUROPEAN MIDDLEWEIGHT
Belt to KEITH 'HURRICANE' HAWARD!- I Have This Match in My DVD Collection!!
11 March
Happy Birthday Alan Serjeant
Read our tribute
I've just noticed that our Barnskey American is billed from Sweden to fit the continental codology. Reminds me that once in Blackpool, working for Dominic Pye it was Scots Week (it always seemed to be Scots Week). Anyway it was Scotland v The Pyes. You've guessed it.... Dwight J Ingleburgh from Glasgow.
That's great Ost. Thanks Hack
Here they are:
I've seen a photo of Troupe Continental all running together in matching outfits.
Will have a look for it.
You're right James. I fessed up too quickly. This show was for the night before, unknown venue.
Read on, we have a result on Leni Robaire.
So, what I'm going to tell you will apply to both this show on 10th and the one Ron has posted for 11th.
Sam Betts (Dwight) says that it was a Mickey Kiley show and he would pay for a car load of wrestlers to go down and work for him for the week.
Leni Robaire was a Barnsley wrestler as suspected. He is in the A-Z, but we had not made the connection. He is in the A-Z under his more usual wrestling name, Ron Hinchcliffe, who was actually Ron Priestley. The name was invented by Brian Glover and used in the early part of Ron's career.
Sam couldn't remember working with any regular Black Masks or Golden Terrors so assumes they were a couple of ad hoc masked men for the night. As for Jacques Pierlot he didn't remember ever coming across him, certainly not Henri's brother.
Thanks Hack but what I meant is that it was the same bill (consecutive nights) as the one on the 10th presumably somewhere else in the West Country. I see the Terror had fought our Shirl.
Stand aside Billy Two Rivers, here's a Mohican with twice that:
Kaditch with alternative spelling. He was on with Ray Fury at Ilford two days later and Kalmen Gaston at Norwich on 14th.
"Who was Henri Pierlot's younger brother - or was it Les working overtime? What about the exotic sounding Leni Robaire and who was the Golden Terror? Let alone this version of Black Mask and Gipsy Pedro. "
1. Pierlot's brother was anyone but Pierlot's brother.
2. Robaire was probably from Barnsley (I keep trying an anagram of his name - the opposition liked that)
3. Gipsy Pedro was almost certainly Pedro the Gypsy considering the number of other Barnsley wrestlers on the bill.
4. Golden Terror and Black Mask a couple of guys in masks.
And where has James seen it before?
On here last night when we got confused over the day (this lockdown's going on a long time).
The Nikki Kaditch location looks like it might be Dagenham.
Nikki Kaditch indeed, in the days when a Nikki was a non-female. English spelling of the surname. Very odd. No point asking Bob Kirkwood, he can't remember most of his opponents!
Any other sightings of Nikki? Please tell us the town he's billed from, just too blurred. I thought all DM wrestlers were well documented but you've winkled out a mystery here.
Maybe cynically, I can see Mick saying "If they've got a championship bout, they'll come. We can save on the other bouts without putting anyone too expensive. Nice little earner. PS extra dosh for the two in main bout."
Ray Glendenning v Lee Bronson at top of the bill. Was Ray that good?
I rather like Masambula v Bobby Barnes.
Regarding the Belle Vue bill, you are quite correct. Nagasaki beat Douglas with two straight rack submissions to nil and gave his opponent very little. This was the time when I was attending Belle Vue regularly and I recall the battle between Count Bartelli and Gwynn Davies the following week. It was a "clean" contest and a young lad, showing off to his girlfriend and seated near the ring, saw his opportunity to be witty as Bartelli trapped Davies in a backhammer and yelled out, "Stick your finger up his bum," a comment which his girlfriend found hilarious. Not so the two wrestlers who stopped the fight, leant over the ropes and asked us to identify the wit. Both men rounded on him as he and his girlfriend turned bright red. When Davies and Bartelli turned their attention back to the bout, the loving couple quickly made their excuses and left the King's Hall never to be seen again.