Following the Steve Veidor thread and the number of names he appeared under it occurred that a lot of wrestlers used multiple names. I reckon there is at least one wrestler who used so many aliases you could theoretically put together a bill with just their various names. Apart from that I wonder how many of our favourites appeared under differenr names throughout their careers. Over to you
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Depending on just how far we want to go with this:
Dave Finlay - Fit Finlay/Belfast Bruiser
Mal Kirk - Mucky, Kojak and King Kong
Thanks Mad Mac. Now added.
From a quick scan:
Ian Gilmore/Gilmour - wasn’t he Kamikaze?
Lucky Gordon - Marauder Minor?
Steve Prince - Soldier Boy?
We have a list of dual and multiple names
Do please add more if you know of them.
Thank you. This is in stark contrast to some of the derogatory comments my reminisinces have attracted in the past so is particularly appreciated.
Because Ezra had so many different aliases, and most of them known primarily to northern fans, I didn't think that billing him as Sugar Ray Do Do or The Witchdoctor would make much difference. Also, his bout with Chris O'Neil was very much a supporting bout and the show was really built around the clash between Trudy Saturn and The Living Doll. At the time Cliff Richard had joined with The Young Ones to do a charity re-release of "Living Doll" and it was in the charts again so I billed Jody Lees under this monicker. Although it's very important today, back in the eighties I didn't bother with entrance music and Jody Lees was highly critical of me that I hadn't even bothered to find a recording of either the original or the remake to play her to the ring.
Another reason for the Banana Bill idea was that I had recently seen "Romeo" Joe Critchley make his entrance in his usual gold lame cloak carrying a large bunch of daffodils and, as he made his way to the ring, he presented several of the ladies whom he passed with a daffodil. I copied this (I don't think any of the ideas I had during my eleven years as a promoter were original. all were copied from someone else) substituting the daffodils for bananas. It went down well with the audience and one lady I recall decided to eat her banana there and then and she did so in such an amusing way that Ezra and Chris had to abandon the bout until she had finished because all eyes were on her rather than the action in the ring.
I used Ezra as The Witchdoctor with the byline "turned his last opponent into a frog" when I promoted him at The Parr Hall in Warrington. I used him on one of my last shows at The Saddlers Club on the Pleck in Walsall and I matched him against a crazy local wrestler called Chris O'Neil (one of Pete Evans' trainees). I billed him as Banana Bill and persuaded him to carry a bunch of bananas to the ring, breaking them off as he progressed and presenting them ladies in the audience who might find them useful.
Add Can Can Odooma to the above
For me if it was not Veidor then it has to be Ezra Francis , Ezra Occuro , Sugar Ray Dodo , Oodooma , Voodooma , Witchdoctor , Zulu and quite a few variations and similarities..
If I had enough time I would dig out a whole host of bills on this guy.
One wrestler who I saw fairly regularly at Newcastle was Cyril Knowles or was it Peter Knowles? Every time I saw him there he was billed as Knowles Peters.
Not "multiple" names per se. but we had a bill from Japan on the old forum where Barry Douglas was bllled as "John Londous". I opined at the time that evidently, "De Relwyskow" didn't translate to Japanese too well.....
Larry Coulton, who apart from his own name, was Black Jack Mulligan, Jack Mulligan, Bearded Black Mulligan and one or two others. The phrase "Perm any 2 from 3" comes to mind!
Also Ray Glendinning as Ray Thunder, Stomper Thunder and Thunder Glenn.
George Burgess didn't do badly - George Burgess, Jamaica kid, Jamaica George, Coolcat Jackson, Samson Negro, Coolcat Virgil, Zulu Warrior, Black Salem
Harry Monk - Harry Monk, Harry Ryan, Andy Ryan, Andrew Knight, The Liquidator, The Executioner, and Doctor Death
Magnificent Maurice was also Colonel Brodie and may have had other names but i can't recall. One of the Wrights (Bernie?) also wrestled as Bear Cat Wright. Steve Wright defeated Marty Jones as Bull Blitzer. Drew MacDonald, discounting the masked appearance as the Spoiler, was comrade MacDonald and the Ultimate Chippendale.