An excellent match from almost half a century ago has appeared on You Tube. Peter Stewart versus Tibor Szakacs .Rather surprisingly Walton tells us Pete is heavier and taller than two years ago. By thenhe was well into his twenties. I wonder when he stopped growing
I am a big fan of Kent Walton's commentaries but I agree that he seemed to lose a bit of his love for the wrestling towards the end of its time on TV. When I listen to some of his commentaries now he seems a little bit embarrassed by it sometimes, particularly the Big Daddy tags where I have heard him say 'there does not seem to be much wrestling going on but the crowd seem to be enjoying it anyway'.
However, even in the late 80's, when he was commentating on a bout with, for example, Johnny Saint or Marty Jones wrestling, he seemed to be enjoying these bouts.
It became apparent Kent's thirst for knowledge diminished towards the end of the TV contract.Early seventies he maintained a log of details on workers focussing on amatuer training,overseas travel, titles and out of the ring life.This later was weight and ring wear.His mojo was gone.
As early as 1975 he warned in a TV times article that matches were going too much down the entertainment route. He probably despaired of some of the matches of the last few years
I recall one bout, it may have been Caswell Martin V Ray Steele or similar, where Kent went to great lengths regarding the wrestlers’ socks to distinguish them.
Just watched it’s a great bout one I had not seen before. The odd one still keeps appearing long may it continue. Another new one for me which appeared earlier This year was Terry Rudge v Tibor. When I checked on the itv listings it said that the Rudge v Szacks bout was not televised in all regions. You have got to LOVE Kent*s commentary I know I always did, much better than what you get now in my opinion. He was the wrestlers friend, I noticed as the longevity of the wrestlers career continued he would become vague about when they started wrestling knocked years off so the viewers thought the wrestlers were younger than their true ages
His commentaries were far better than anything in 2020 it was just the embellishments that were are so amusing. When we were watching Jon Cortez and Bobby Barnes in an excellent 1980s match he certainly did not tell us they turned pro in 1958 and 1960!
Kent SOLD the bout with his commentary virtually as much as the wrestlers themselves. Sometimes when one wrestler was working on his opponents leg or arm who was gingerly trying to keep it out of his attackers reach.... you would have Kent commentating solemnly And sounding knowledgable bad back, bad leg he is in serious trouble! In hushed and grave tones as a kid I believed every word! But when I say wrestlers friend in between rounds when the camera concentrated on the individual wrestlers his information was always upbeat and positive in respect of the wrestler selling them never negative. For example he was keen to inform you McManus was an expert in antiques, that Steve Best was a teacher, or so and so wrestler did charity work. Selling them and letting us know wrestlers are smart too! I think he had LITTLE INFLUENCE with the wrestlers themselves. For example in a STEVE GREY v JON CORTEZ match both wrestlers were a similar size , dark hair and both wore black trunks. You could here the irritability and frustration in his commentary as they both looked so similar. And he had a point if one had white or lighter coloured trunks his job would have been a lot easier.
@poolstead It was not until 1976 that colour TV licences exceeded black and white licences so for fans watching on small black and white sets it could be difficult occasionally
I am a big fan of Kent Walton's commentaries but I agree that he seemed to lose a bit of his love for the wrestling towards the end of its time on TV. When I listen to some of his commentaries now he seems a little bit embarrassed by it sometimes, particularly the Big Daddy tags where I have heard him say 'there does not seem to be much wrestling going on but the crowd seem to be enjoying it anyway'.
However, even in the late 80's, when he was commentating on a bout with, for example, Johnny Saint or Marty Jones wrestling, he seemed to be enjoying these bouts.
It became apparent Kent's thirst for knowledge diminished towards the end of the TV contract.Early seventies he maintained a log of details on workers focussing on amatuer training,overseas travel, titles and out of the ring life.This later was weight and ring wear.His mojo was gone.
I recall one bout, it may have been Caswell Martin V Ray Steele or similar, where Kent went to great lengths regarding the wrestlers’ socks to distinguish them.
I rated Peter Stewart and unfortunately never got to see enough of him. Almost as though he was only part time.
Just watched it’s a great bout one I had not seen before. The odd one still keeps appearing long may it continue. Another new one for me which appeared earlier This year was Terry Rudge v Tibor. When I checked on the itv listings it said that the Rudge v Szacks bout was not televised in all regions. You have got to LOVE Kent*s commentary I know I always did, much better than what you get now in my opinion. He was the wrestlers friend, I noticed as the longevity of the wrestlers career continued he would become vague about when they started wrestling knocked years off so the viewers thought the wrestlers were younger than their true ages
We certainly were. We lapped it all up Peter.
Only Kent could tell em like that.