A Bonus for This Weekend's Poster for Our Newsletter-One for The 11TH and One for the 12TH!!
Firstly We Return to The EMPIRE HACKNEY in 1963 for Another LINCOLN-ALEXANDER
Promotion!-Topping The Bill-'REBEL' RAY HUNTER-The HEAVYWEIGHT Champion of the
Champion of The WORLD!!!-Probably a Win for MARINO there?!
The Excellent TONY CHARLES is here and also HEAVYWEIGHT-GEOFF PORTZ-although
NOT Opposing!!
Not to mention-'NODDY' (JOHNNY) MAJOR before he went into Politics!-Ha,Ha!!
Quite a Good Card Really!!
Bonus Programme for SOUTHAMPTON on the 11TH-Featuring One of My Favourite Heavyweights-
BLACK (WILD) ANGUS who is in with 'JUDO' AL HAYES!- I'd Love to have seen that Match-Up!
Empire Hackney an exceptionally prestigious venue
I don't think we ever discovered who Mr Alexander was.
I would guess not, but did Paul Lincoln copy the Dale Martin pattern of having 4 and 10 minute rounds. If Lincoln went for 5 minute rounds that would itself make his bills more attractive, and that's apart from just about everything else that made his bills more attractive.
Looking at the first bill, I guess that would mean Jon Cortez would have been in his 40's when he was putting on those great (and very real looking) matches with Keith Haward.
I ran a topic about ten years ago entitled something like POOR PLANNING THROUGH THE BILL. Basically, we saw results from one four-bout bill where three finished unsatisfactorily as No Contests.
Similar poor planning on some bills which had four 2-1 results; and 2-1 was the scourge of the "It's all fixed!" brigade.
Southampton could be added, regardless of whether those are three draws or three disqualifications. All the same result in any case. Seem like draws, the shortcoming of which is that fans wanted to see a result, and draws, though accepted as inevitable, were not a hot talking point.
In short, more evidence that results were planned in isolation with disregard for the balance of the full set of outcomes.