Continuing Our Theme of Posters/Flyers/Programmes Dated for The SUNDAY Newsletter-
Below We have a Programme for 31ST JANUARY at ST.ALBANS-and an Interesting Contest
In the Other Main Event-MICK MCMANUS Takes On ALAN SERJEANT!-I have One of these
Bouts on DVD and MCMANUS Wins by relying on his Forearm Jabs!!-Nothing New there then!!

After being as generous as you always are Main Mask it would be pedantic of me to point out the St Albans programme and poster are for the same show. I'm sure it was intentional and I wouldn't mention it anyway.
Would Logan and Catweazle at Thurrock work? I don't think so. Catweazle would have fun at Logan's expense but would never threaten the Iron Man in the way we wanted all baddies threatened.
Much better matchmaking on the Croydon bill. I like the sound of all those matches, and I've never said that about a Dale Martin bill before. The Carlisle bill is another with five interesting matches, and I think Dennison and Graham would have made a good permanent combination.