Following on from a Current Companion Thread-This One further Hi-Lites Why I Hated some
of The 'Chicanery' that Unscrupulous Promoters got up to at the Expense of 'Hapless' Fans!!
Misrepresenting-Misdirecting-Misinformation and so on!-All by Subliminal Design to 'Fool' the
Punters into Attending Shows expecting to see Certain Famous Wrestlers-only to find after they'd
paid their Hard-Earned Money that indeed it was Imposters Who were 'Fighting' on the Nite!!
First Example Bills The MASKED EMPEROR in The Main Event at CIVIC HALL BEDWORTH-
and Features a MASKED Wrestler on The Poster!
Needless to say This Photo is NOT The EMPEROR at all!!-But rather an Old 'Library Shot of
KILMEISTER-A short-lived Outing by DENNIS MITCHELL-10!! Years BEFORE!!
At Best-Lazy-but to Me knowingly Misleading!!-Can't be doing with this 'Skullduggery'!

Let's put aside the Devereux bill. This was 1962, the era of the Black Mask - a few months after his Newcastle unmasking but still doing the rounds. So, no problem with that. But the photo looks like DD so no excuse for that - but they would have the photo because the original DD did work for Devereux.
The other examples are post 1974, and we know what that means. When Heritage started there was the question of whether the Heritage Years should end in 1977 or 1988. 1977 was twenty-five years of the Queen, a nice anniversary. 1988 was the end of tv. There was never a moment when a definite decision was arrived at though we have settled on 1988 because we are all getting older and we should not rule out good wrestlers because of management shortcomings. Main Mask has demonstrated that the mid 1970s was a different world from 1988.