Just read the article about Tony Ancell, back in the late 1950s before National Service I used to go to the Atlas cinema in Stetchford Birmingham to watch wrestling, one of the regulars billed there was a wrestler billed as Tony (Ropetrick) Ancell !! now would this be the same wrestler as in todays article ? His speciality was getting his opponent in a headlock near the ropes and flicking his feet onto the top rope, then somehow twisting his opponent over onto the canvas, to us spectators it was a very spectacular move. Brilliant days of proper wrestling.
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Alf was a real old pro and played a part in the training of Pat Roach.
Blimey dxf46 never mind the name (you can change it in your profile) but what a mesmerising debut post.
Nothing is ever certain in wrestling but as our Tony Ancell was born in 1932 and started wrestling in the early 1950s it is quite feasible that Tony (Ropetrick) Ancell was the same fella.
You must have more memories to share with us old codgers. Tell us more.
Hi dfx46, unusual name !
I saw Charlie Green do this ropetrick at Newcastle,but unfortunately this was in the early days of Mount Evans rules.
Use of the ropes like that was prohibited in those days. Wrestlers on the ropes had to break the hold.
Despite Charlie's protestations, he was severely warned to stop, by referee Les Kellett.