Often no doubt discussed in the Past and having BERNARD's Excellent Recollections of
JACK PYE Wrestling Live in particular-This Dynasty were definitely on the Dark Side of
the Force!-Of the 7 Brothers-4 were Professional Wrestlers and were Major Players in the
Sport in the '40's and '50's!-I'm Sharing an Updated Snapshot with Material possibly mostly
New!-Starting off with the 'Grim Quartet' checking out their Mail for any 'Takers' to their 4-Man Wrestling Challenge!-You wouldn't want these 4 looking thru your window at 3.00 A.M.
in the Morning!!......

Some years ago (as "Beancounter") I posted that on 30th October 1967, Jack Pye was guest of honour at my local, The Hamilton Arms, Cabus, Garstang, where he shoved over this massive pile of pennies collected for local Cancer Relief. It was a fantastic night; Jack was excellent company and a true gentleman. Being a big fan, we had a lengthy conversation. He disagreed with me that Billy Joyce was the best current heavyweight, he said it was easily Bill Robinson - I didn't dare start an argument!
There was a tale going round at the time that some wag had remarked to Jack that wrestling moves were all "fixed". They say Jack handed him £100, a sizeable sum in those days, and prepared him for a boston crab, informing him that if he was still clutching the money after 10 seconds, he could keep it. I believe the money was released after just a couple of seconds!
Reading about the "Churchill salute " on the last post by MM, reminded me of the time that my father told me about Jack Pye at Liverpool who was getting some stick from the crowd.
He held up his hand for silence, went to the ropes, Called in order "Red, White and Blue, and that to you".
The " that to you" was his normal "v" sign.
Recall reading about the famous Pye brothers in Kent Walton’s book, This Grappling Game.
Not trying to take this thread off of topic, but I saw Jack Beaumont v Cliff Belshaw on one of the bills. I thought they were brothers and they flip-flopped their last names, or am I mistaken?
The Prince of Darkness
The Uncrowned King of the Mat
The ONLY official title they held was the 1946 Wryton Belt. Attention: GOLD BELT.
Here's DOMINIC PYE Billed from BLACKPOOL! Taking on VINCE EDWARDS in
a Bill Topper!!.....