Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to see him live but would like to have done. At six feet three and close to twenty stones must have been a formidable sight. I can vaguely remember a late night mid-week t.v. bout versus Kendo Nagasaki with Kendo exiting the ring victorious and Ian laying prone on the canvas seemingly with a leg injury.Guessing it was about early seventies. Was he a good crowd puller?
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I'm interested in Graham's comments that Campbell could hardly move by the early 1970s. I thought he disappeared in 1972 which would mean the last time I saw him couldn't have been much before Graham, 1971 I would guess. He was in with Kumali, so as you would expect it wasn't the fastest of matches. But I didn't consider him particularly slothful. Makes me wonder if he was ill and deteriorating quickly.
Ian Campbell