Watching an old 1953 film Th Blue Parrot in a cafe there is a poster for Wonderboy v Assirati. Also on the biill is Charlie Scott v Big Bill Verna (I think). Mike Hallinan tells me Wonderboy was Peter Stanley but he doesn't appear on the Heritage list. Can anyone say anything about him. He must have been useful (or a fool) to go in with Assirati.
Mike Hallinan tells me he fought Assirati six times in 1952 the first time in Brighton where he lost 2-1 so as I say he must have been useful. But how did he emerge?
Seems like he was only active for a couple of years, unless he appeared under another name
We've got Peter Stanley in our records and we do list him as Wonderboy Peter Stanley but don't know where the link between Wonderboy and Peter came from.
Did he wear a mask as Wonderboy ?
A difficult man to find and not as Wonderboy.
I have him a couple of times in 1954 in Liverpool and a couple in Eastbourne.
Dale Martins could not make up their mind if he was from London or Watford.
Back in 1952 Denis Mitchell was also sometimes named Wonderboy.