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In Memories of the Old Days
Jul 04, 2021
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50 Greatest British Wrestlers of All-Time
In Memories of the Old Days
Oct 01, 2020
< Was Ken Joyce British-born? > I always assumed so, but only because he and Doug were from Rushden (with love). When he spoke on his 'retirement' from the ring, he sounded Northants.; but you know better than I. < Including one Yorkshire Terrier and not the more prolific other one is surprising.> Yeah, I was admittedly in two minds about this, and broke the rule by basing it on his surprising success abroad. I did mention Mick McMick, but should perhaps exclude both in favour of Preston. (BTW one of these for tag teams should be interesting :) ) . < But a list like this without Alan Garfield. Seriously? > Admit to professing ignorance. Only saw AG once in late career, when Pat Roach went over. < Johnny Kwango > He was allegedly (admittedly by M. Crabtree) professional in terms of honouring bookings, etc. While I was never into the headbutting-the-hand shtick, he seemed high-profile in terms of Albert Hall appearances, etc. I'm leaving him in. < Mike Marino > Prestige as perceived by promoters. Stays in. < Steve Logan > Seemingly rock 'ard. Stays in. < Alf Marquette and Leon Arras and Mal Kirk all well worth a shout > Have to admit that Marquette totally passed me by until his book came out. Re- Arras, I was thinking 'Surely he's foreign'? until I twigged: yes, Glover had slipped down a crack and deserves to be in. Mal's rating is (unfairly) affected by all the jobbing he did for Daddy, literally to the death. < who signed gracious autographs. > I think this sort of thing should add to their score, as should shoot ability and the fact that some have paid their dues, jobbing for years before getting a push. < Sir Atholl > He was mentioned above, so I put him in (you always used to laugh at my stuff on the old Grappling website :D ). Oakley out, Arras in. Thanks, Anglo. Respect - Dave (Melvin M. Melvin)
50 Greatest British Wrestlers of All-Time
In Memories of the Old Days
Oct 01, 2020
Thought I would include my 10-penn’orth. Wasn’t Johnny Kwango English? Al Micquet and Steve Wright seem to have slipped through the net; and of the Joyce Brothers, I’d include at least Ken. I get that it needs no further complication, but I personally would prefer it to be wrestlers that worked in the UK, including non-British grapplers who did so that often that, in wrestling terms, that they were almost ‘British by adoption’, otherwise we’re losing good workers like Boscik and the Borgs. I agree that inclusion should be based on their showings in Britain, as opposed to for WWE, etc. However, I do feel that the Dynamite Kid had enough impact here before going to America, and he also came back later for iconic bouts with Rocco. Billington was born and died in Britain; but the fact that people wrestled a lot in tag does not mean that they’re bolted together. Davey-Boy only just sneaks into my list. I’ve limited this to people I remember, plus those whose reputation is too strong to ignore. In come Steve Clements, Peter Rann and ace jobber Sid Cooper. Bubbling under were some seemingly-forgotten workers, like Mike Eager, Mick McMichael and Cardiff’s Johnny Williams. I agree that choosing is hard: Roy Bull Davies and Skull Murphy – in or out? I struggled with Peter Preston (as it were) who did, after all, comprehensively beat Mick on TV. I liked Joe Robinson, but only remember him in films; and Bill Robinson is (despite Anglo’s point, and not to sound like Ant and Dec) in the top three. Here we go, in alphabetical order… Bert Assirati Bad Bobby Barnes Count Bartelli Jim Breaks Wayne Bridges Eddie Capelli Tony Charles Steve Clements Alan Colbeck Cyanide Sid Cooper Dazzler Joe Cornelius Jon Cortez Gwyn Davies Alan Denison The Dynamite Kid Johnny Eagles Vic Faulkner Dave Fit Finlay Judo Al Hayes Marty Jones Ken Joyce Les Kellett George Kidd Johnny Kwango Iron Man Steve Logan Tony Mancelli Mike Marino Brian Maxine Mick McManus Alan Miquet Bernard Murray. Kendo Nagasaki Athol Oakley Jackie Mr TV Pallo Dirty Jack Pye Peter Rann Bomber Pat Roach Andy Robin Billy Robinson Mark Rollerball Rocco Bert Royal Johnny Saint Davey Boy Smith Tony St Clair Francis St Clair Gregory Adrian Street Clayton Thomson Steve Veidor Albert Rocky Wall Steve Wright
In Memories of the Old Days
In Memories of the Old Days
50 Greatest British Wrestlers of All-Time
In Memories of the Old Days


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