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May 13, 2022
In Memories of the Old Days
Given as wrestlers pretty much did as they were told, which ones got the better deal, the blue eyed good guys adored and cheered by nearly everyone or the orrible heels who nearly everyone hated? I wonder which ones enjoyed their role? If I had been lucky enough to have made a name for myself in wrestling I'd have hated to be the blue eyed one, I'd have wanted to be a complete animal who was brought to the ring in a straight jacket by the men in the white coats, fed raw meat and caused complete mayhem at every bout. Many of the good guys made the switch to villain ie Wayne Bridges, Mal Saunders etc both who in my opinion were much better for it. I can't think of any who switched to the good side for long apart from Big Daddy. Kendo's brief switch to unmasked good guy was a complete disaster.
May 01, 2022
In Memories of the Old Days
All seems very quiet on here for a while. I've wanted to post something just to get some conversation started but it's all been said. Just out of interest is their any one bout you saw that really left an impression? Or anything odd you witnessed? The oddest memory I have was a match with Jon Cortez fighting someone I can't remember. It was a fairly low key and quite bout when, something I didn't catch was yelled out from the audience. Cortez jumped out of the ring and gave chase to someone right out of the hall. His opponent and the ref Max Ward looked as bemused as everyone else and Jon never did return. Very strange. Biggest impression was the first time I saw Giant Haystacks entering the ring. What an amazing presence he had as he walked past me, this was when I still believed wrestling was real. I remember looking at his opponent Tony St Clair and thinking this guy is about to be killed! Great days before the world went mad, I miss the wrestling and many other things from that era.
Mar 27, 2022
In Memories of the Old Days
As time goes by (and mainly through reading the posts on this site) you tend to get to know a little bit about the various wrestlers you’ve seen, their jobs outside the ring, cars, how they got into the business etc. But I have to confess I know nothing about Sid at all. I enjoyed watching him even though he was never a legitimate convincing baddie and more a cartoon baddie (and I mean that in the nicest way possible way) he was still good value and entertaining. I believe he worked as a care worker and also a hospital porter other than that I know nothing. My best memory of him was leaving Fairfield halls early one night and walking past the dressing rooms to find Sid and Mal Saunders emerging for their bout unaware me and my father were coming down the staircase and Mal saying to Sid “Let’s make this a quick one Sid” That was a definite red card!
Aug 11, 2021
In Memories of the Old Days
I've just been reading a little about this in one of A.S books but he dosen't go into a lot of detail, can anyone enlighten me further? Late 60s or early 70s I believe.Cheers.
Jul 03, 2021
In Memories of the Old Days
Anyone know if Pete actually did have any martial arts training? I know he was billed as Judo Pete Roberts and also The Kung Fu fighter but I never saw any. A fine wrestler but cant say I saw any martial art training there. I’d recognise it there was. Maybe he just never used it or maybe just another brainwave by Mad Max to put bums on seats.
May 10, 2021
In Memories of the Old Days
I’ve had a couple of these on the bookshelf for a few years now and last night I finally got around to starting one. Before I go any further I have to say that in my humble opinion Adrian is right up there with the likes of NagasakI, Rocco or anyone else you care to mention but I have to say I’m finding his books a little bit how can I say ... exaggerated or embellished? It kind fits in with his image I guess. Did anyone else find this or am I being unfair.
Feb 26, 2021
In Memories of the Old Days
Dave fit Finley, one of the very best, yet I dont think Ive ever seen another wrestler who refused to sell the other wrestlers moves as much as he did. He was notorious for refusing to take a posting and making the other guy look stupid, he clearly enjoyed dominating a match as can be seen on many of his YouTube fights. I think most of us agree he took an absolute liberty with The black prince (also on YouTube) basically just beating him up for the whole fight and giving him absolutely nothing. I admire, respect and enjoy Dave Finley's fights no end but I think he was a bit of a bully and unfair to lesser wrestlers. Where there any other wrestlers like this?
Feb 18, 2021
In Memories of the Old Days
... seems to have found its way to Youtube. Only black and white footage but very watchable. Enjoy!
Dec 29, 2020
In Memories of the Old Days
Did anyone here ever attend? Any good?. Ive heard some pretty high profile faces turned up like Rod Stewart, Tommy Steele etc people you've actuallt heard of instead of the talentless bimbos and morons who pass as celebrities nowdays because they once walked passed a bloke on the street who knew a woman who lived next door to someone who thought he might have seen the man from accross the road who once knew a lady who was the sister of another woman who's husband knew a man who knew a man who said hello to a bloke who knew a bloke from the telly who's name he can't quite remember
Dec 23, 2020
In Memories of the Old Days
Finally got around to reading Johnny's excellent book. I never really had an opinion on John as a wrestler one way or the other although I thought the mayhem The Caribbean sunshine boys caused was excellent. After reading about his life and how he grew up I have a lot of respect for John, he certainly never had it easy and went on to make something of himself despite it. Any opinion on Johnny Kincade? Oh, and happy xmas to each and every one of you.
Nov 19, 2020
In Memories of the Old Days
What was Crabtree’s problem with Bobby Barnes? If it’s actually true that he didn’t like/rate him? How could he possibly fail to see what a huge asset he was to the grapple game. Im a bit vague on this one but I believe he also wanted Adrian Street to continue The Hells Angles with a different partner, absolute madness!
Oct 08, 2020
In Memories of the Old Days
While having a clear out of my old DVDs I’ve come across a wrestling documentary called The wrestling diaries by Robbie Brookside. It basically follows his career as a wrestler. It’s going begging and if anyone would like it send me an email and I’ll stick it in the post.
Oct 06, 2020
In Memories of the Old Days
The crowd! The only people the wrestlers really had to be careful with, although rare I do recall a few situations where wrestlers were attacked... Max Ward being pulled from the stairs to the dressing rooms at Fairfield and landing from quite a hight on his chest, he seemed ok but could have been nasty. Mick McManus being hit by a woman using the heel of her shoe as a weapon, Mick did manage to take it off her and quite rightly broke it in half. Kendo being kicked up the arse on the way back from the ring, turning around quite quickly with what looked like every intention of giving his attacker a smack in the mouth, he then seemed to think better of it when he saw the man who did it must have been about 70
And the most bizarre was a quite low key bout featuring Jon Cortez when something I didn’t catch was shouted from the crowd and Jon jumped out of the ring and gave chase to someone who ran right out of the hall, Jon followed and didn’t return which was probably the most bizarre wrestling incident I’ve ever seen. Anyone else have any tales to tell?
Aug 27, 2020
In Memories of the Old Days
Not sure if anyone can help me with this one. I’m trying to find a bill for the first ever live wrestling event I attended. I know it was at Fairfield Halls around 1975 - 76. I also know the main event was Kendo v Prince Kumali and I have a feeling The Royal Bros were also on the bill but I could well be wrong about the second part. Are there any sites I could search ? or does anyone by the name of Adrian possibly even own a poster? Seriously doubt anyone can help, but the things that get pulled up on here never fail to amaze me. Thanks.
Aug 22, 2020
In Memories of the Old Days
Following the previous post regarding Kendo’s tag exploits I’m trying to see how many I can remember. So far I only have ... Bartelli Rocco Rex Strong Steve Veidor Im sure I’ve missed a good few, any ideas?
Aug 08, 2020
In Memories of the Old Days
Came across this ex wrestler quite by chance a few years back when I bought something from him on eBay. We had a little chat about his wrestling days and found out he’s now a country and western singer with his own band. A lovely bloke with a good sense of humour.
Id be interested to hear more about him if anyone has any info? Thanks.
Aug 08, 2020
In Memories of the Old Days
I know there’s certainly some wrestling video that hasn’t come to light as yet, but how much is actually known about or rumoured to be laying unloved on a dusty shelf somewhere? Bartelli v Nagasaki? Pallo v McManus The infamous McManus v Peter Preston anomaly (it means oddity Matey Dave) Some decent Hells Angels footage? Maybe some Jim Hussey gems I can dream can’t I.
Jul 06, 2020
In Memories of the Old Days
OK let me in on this. Could someone kindly explain what it was Peter Preston did in his bout with Mick McManus that has become such a talking point? Im guessing he went of script and beat up Mick or something along those lines. Is that correct? If so what the story behind it? Cheers.
Jul 04, 2020
In Memories of the Old Days
A great bout surely, yet I don't recall it ever happening. Am I wrong? Did anyone ever see it? Adrian Street said he fought Rocco a few times (and was very quick to add that he beat him. Good ole Adrian, humble as ever!) Again one I'd love to have seen. Any info on these two, or have I stumpped you ? Now theres a challange ...
Jun 23, 2020
In Memories of the Old Days
Just been watching the Daddy v Haystacks farce from the Royal Albert hall where Mr Haystacks is belly bumped (what else!) from the ring by the blond superhero in the giant baby grow. I have to say given Giant Haystacks usual slow laboured approach to wrestling I’m not 100% convinced he intended to exit the ring in such spectacular fashion. What do you people think?
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